
Monday, February 28, 2011

counting down the days

With spring break approaching (but not quite fast enough), I'm literally counting down the days. Sometimes I count multiple times a day, just praying that time will have magically flown by and I will be one day closer to home. Yes, I know I'm being ridiculous. But I need a break! And a break longer than this 30 minute blogging break. I cannot wait for 10 glorious days at home with family and friends, and maybe a surprise trip or two!

To make myself feel better (or possibly make myself even more homesick than I already am), this blog is dedicated to all the things I'm looking forward to doing over spring break.

Outlet shopping with my family - we hit the outlets in Myrtle Beach and shop til we drop. Or til Discover calls my dad and asks why so much money is being spent. Kidding...ok, not at all actually. This has happened a few times. Always humorous until we get back home and face dad.

The beach - I miss the beach so so much. I know there's a beach here. I know I'm still on the coast. But it is not the same. People bring sweatshirts to the beach here. You don't do that at home unless it's the winter. My friend Chrissy has decided we're going to have a beach day and just play bocce ball and corn hole and laugh and have a blast. I cannot wait!

Speaking of Chrissy, great friends -- I have some amazing friends that I left back home. And every time I get to go back and see them is amazing. I love catching up with them, hanging out with them, mainly just getting to see them and feel like I'm a part of everything going on back home still. It's hard sometimes, but this is what being a grown-up is all about. I know that no matter where I go, I will always be able to count on these people, and I am so grateful!

Clemson in springtime -- I desperately am trying to find time to sneak up to Clemson for a day or two over break. I don't know if or when I'll be able to, but if I have to go up randomly on a Wednesday, I'll do it. I miss that place so much, there is something so special about it. And, of course, it's beautiful! I have great friends there still, and I miss them just as much as my friends back home.

And last but certainly not least, my family -- It's hard living on my own and being so far away from my family! I love going home and spending time with them. I don't know when I'll be back home after spring break, so I gotta get in as much quality time as possible in those 10 short days!

So I'm 10 days away from my 10 day vacation. And I have a mountain of work to do before I get there. Enough blogging for this girl, I've got to get to work designing a fake book club (oh yes, this is what I do in grad school...)

Monday, February 21, 2011

let the internship search begin

Hope everyone is having a lovely President's day off from work or school! If you are working, I at least hope the weather is nice for you - it snowed here earlier, but now it's just crisp and chilly. And that's inside my apartment. My heater has been having some issues, and it now seems to be stuck at 62 degrees. This happened before, around Thanksgiving, and it was a process to get everything warm again. I've put in a maintenance request, but since today is a holiday, they can't come look at it until tomorrow. Looks like I'll be bundled up in blankets and sweaters for the day!

It's been nice to have a long weekend, but I haven't done anything too fun. I've mostly spent my time working on all the assignments I have due before spring break. I have just 16 days to get my lit review, outline, writing project, and a few midterms out of the way, along with all my regular reading. It's a lot, but I just keep thinking about how nice it will be to be done!!

On top of all of my work, I have started the daunting and somewhat intimidating task of finding a summer internship here in Boston. After stalking some agency websites and BU Career link, I have a lot of good leads. Now it's just time to polish up the ol' resume, write a fantastic cover letter, and cross my fingers for some interviews. I have some favorite agencies already, but honestly I don't think any one of them are bad. It's all going to be an experience that will hopefully lead to a big girl job and pay check in just a few short months! December is going to be here faster than I know it, and having a great summer internship will only help me score that job after graduation. Plus, if I can get some references from my internship, that will help even more.

So for the rest of today, I'll be researching Facebook and Twitter (paper topic for my theory class), brushing up on some com. law, working on my fake book club (my writing project), and polishing that resume til it shines. Hopefully only good things will come! I'll let you know how everything turns out.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

valentine's day

Tomorrow is probably my least favorite day of the year - Valentine's day. Why February 14th has been marked as the day where couples make googly eyes at each other, girls gush over over-priced floral arrangements that aren't even pretty, and everyone feels "love in the air" is beyond me. Now before you say I'm just the bitter, cynical, single girl, let me stop you and explain my dislike for Valentine's day.

It has nothing to do with jealousy or bitterness. While, yes, I am alone on Valentine's day, I don't feel incomplete or helpless because of it. I'm not the girl who becomes depressed and drowns her feelings in cartons of ice cream simply for not having a man on February 14th. Honestly, those girls might be just as pathetic as the love-sick ones. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, but I just don't think that you should have one day a year where you tell your loved one how you feel about them.

If you love someone, you should tell or show it every day. No, you don't have to buy flowers or candy or jewelry for someone every day (although if you want to do that for some girl, I'm available!). I am a firm believer in the little things - opening the door, cleaning up after dinner, maybe giving up the remote. Yes, it's nice to be showered with gifts every once in a while, but you should show your love every day.

Maybe I'm asking too much of the male species to do sweet, unexpected little things. However, I hear about all the cute things my friends' husbands do for them, and I know I can't be wrong. Guys like that are still out there, somewhere, and until I find one, I'll be here waiting. But in the meantime, tomorrow is just another day. I will go to class, come home, do homework, and go to bed. Maybe I'll treat myself to a little something special - champagne or chocolate covered strawberries or something. But if you think I'm going to be bitter or depressed because I'm alone, sorry. I'm not going to waste my time (and my 40+ degree weather!!!) being sad. Because, as the lovely Audrey Hepburn once said, 
"I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.

Monday, February 7, 2011

the morning after

Getting out of bed this morning was hard. I mean, a lot harder than usual. Probably because I stayed up way past my bedtime to watch Glee's super-sized, post-Super Bowl show! So many emotions - the team spirit, the girls joining the football team, the Cheerios quitting, Quinn kissing Finn! I'm SO glad there's another episode on Tuesday!

Before my Glee-induced coma, I had a fabulous Super Bowl party! If I know one thing, my grad school friends and I sure won't be lacking any food at our get-togethers - we had so much that it barely fit on my table!! I wish I had a picture of the whole spread, but instead I just have my contributions.

I made baked brie, queso, and tomatillo salsa (recipe to follow). The brie was delicious, as always. I love baked brie! Add some cinnamon, brown sugar, and pecans on top, wrap it in puff pastry and call it heaven! It was a big hit, if I do say so myself.

As for the salsa recipe, I have to thank my dear friend Bridgette. She brought this yummy treat over to a Christmas party I threw, and I have been dying for the chance to make it ever since! You can get the recipe from her blog, The Delectable Adventure, and follow her and her sweet hubby as they cook dishes from around the world. But for sake of convenience, I'll post it here as well:

Tomatillo Salsa 
12 medium tomatillos, husked and finely chopped
6 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
6 tablespoons minced cilantro
2 teaspoon hot sauce

This salsa was a huge hit with so many people asking for the recipe! Wish I could claim it as my own, but credit where credit is due :)

Overall, the party was a blast! So much good food with great friends and lots of laughs along the way. Can't wait for my next hostess-ing gig!

Friday, February 4, 2011

resolution update

Since it is now February, I've decided to update y'all on my resolutions! I am still trying to cook as much as I can, but it's harder now that school is kicking into high gear. I also have my new job - I got an assistantship with one of my professors from last semester. So Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are spent holed up in "my" office, completing random projects on top of all the other work and reading I have to do for my actual classes. Not that I'm not grateful; I really am. My professor is so connected, and I have to admit that most of the time I have a blast, especially with the undergrad I work with, Ali.

So while cooking may not be at the top of my to-do list after 8 hour days (yeah, I'm gonna starve in the real world), I have kept up with resolution #2: exercise more. My friend Staci and I started the "Couch to 5k" program two weeks ago. I just finished week 2 today, and let me tell you, this is no piece of cake for my lazy behind! I end up running around 2 miles, 3 times a week. I am NOT looking forward to finishing this program (especially because it overlaps with spring break - yuck! I just want to eat good Southern food on break, not run!), but I know it'll be good for me. I am be no means a runner, but I at least have bathing suit season in the back of my mind to keep me motivated.

As far as reading goes, I found that I read SO much for school that I just don't even want to pick up a magazine. So I'm amending that resolution (hey, it's my resolution, I can do whatever I want!): I'm going to watch movies. Lots of movies. All the classics, all the new releases I didn't get to see, all the ones I always heard about and never watched. It's about time I get some good use out of my Netflix membership!

That's the update for now. Being the wonderful Southern hostess that I am, I am hosting a Super Bowl party this Sunday for a bunch of my Boston friends! I'll update you Sunday or Monday with recipes, pictures, and let you know how it all went!