
Sunday, June 19, 2011

a weekend to celebrate

Not only is today Father's Day, but Friday was also my mother's birthday - our family has a lot to celebrate this weekend!  In other news, my dear friends celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary, and two other couples I know got married. Whew - seems like a busy weekend for everyone!

On top of all the family and friend celebrations, another huge event went down on Saturday. The Boston Bruins paraded the Stanley Cup from TD Garden to Boston Common, and I went down and joined about 1 million of my "fellow Bruins fans" to see the spectacle. No, I am not a hockey fan, but how do you pass something like this up?!

The crowd was ENORMOUS and absolutely insane! Everyone was so excited for the Bruins, and that excitement was contagious. I was convinced I'd be pretty mellow about the whole thing, but as soon as I saw that cup, I was right there cheering with everyone else.

Cheers of "We got the Cup!" and "Let's go Bruins!" rang out throughout the whole parade route. Banners and signs and fake cups lined the parade route along with rowdy but generally well-behaved fans. Although there were some climbing incidents (trees, street lamps, trash cans, even the T stop), I didn't see a single fight or arrest. Glad we could all get together to celebrate in harmony.

This weekend has worn me out - with the parade and birthdays and Father's Day, I'm wiped! Here's to a happy, relaxing Sunday before the craziness of this week starts up again. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and told your dads how much you love them!

Monday, June 13, 2011

summer is shaping up

Sorry, I know it's been a while. But honestly, I just didn't have anything to say. My internship has started and is getting in full swing, so when I get home, the last thing I want to do is stare at my computer. On the days I don't have my internship, I have been relaxing, hanging out, and reading - not much time for blogging! Maybe this is a sign that my life needs to be more exciting...I'll work on that.

Anyway, my summer is starting to shape up! As I said, I have my internship to keep me busy three days a week. Not too overwhelming, but it's busy enough. This week marks two other exciting things - my mom's birthday is on Friday, and then Father's Day is Sunday! Sadly, I won't be able to celebrate with them, but hopefully I can make up for that on family vacation in a few short weeks.

Speaking of family vacation, I am finally going to experience Vegas! I can't wait and hope it's as fun as everyone says. It will be about a week of shows, good food, and hanging out with the fam - I just hope I can have one day by the pool! This Boston weather is not doing me any favors. 10 degrees in the winter, 58 degrees in the summer, or record highs of 97 with severe weather threats. Seriously, can't you figure out how to be nice?!

After I get back from Vegas, my lovely little Teresa will be in Boston for a whole month! She's studying at Harvard, and I can NOT wait for her to get here!! She's going to be my excuse to explore Harvard and find my potential Harvard husband - kidding...kind of. I am so excited to explore Boston with her and just catch up; we haven't been together in a long time, so I'm pumped for some quality bonding time!

And that brings us to August. The first weekend of August, my dear friend Jonathan comes to visit me! That weekend will include tons of good food, exploring the city, and a Red Sox/Yankees game - how exciting! Neither of us are baseball fans, but I can't wait to go experience one of the biggest rivalries in major league baseball. Then, at the end of August, I'm going to the Kenny Chesney/Zac Brown Band/Billy Currington concert at Gillette Stadium! Floor seats, sitting on the field where the Patriots will hopefully start playing again in the fall (stupid strike, get over it already!), I'm super excited. I've seen Kenny before, and it's a whole lot of fun!

Hard to believe the week after the concert, school starts again. I basically have a road map for the whole summer - it's a little strange! But I'm excited to see what happens and where the unplanned part of my summer takes me. I'll keep you updated, and promise to post again sooner!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

here goes nothing

First of all, I hope everyone had a relaxing, happy, and fun-filled Memorial Day weekend, and I hope you all took at least a few minutes to remember all the men and women who have died to allow us to have our BBQs and beach bashes and potlucks.

I had an amazing week at home celebrating my dad's 60th birthday, my brother's 21st birthday (without any alcohol...yeah, I don't get it either), and Memorial Day with my friends. My mom and I conspired to fly me home as an extra surprise for my dad's surprise party, which all went off without a hitch! I wish I had a picture of my dad's face walking through the door, but I was told to hide behind a pole - better than in a closet! He was honestly shocked that we were all there to celebrate his birthday and had a fantastic time. My favorite part of the night (besides the amazing food courtesy of Newton Farms Catering) was my dad saying, "I'm so glad to see you, but when are you leaving?" His shock made him a little tactless, but it was pretty funny all the same.

That left me with 5 days left at home, and in those 5 days, I got 2 fantastic beach days and one pool day. I think I did pretty well for my short vacay! Those 5 days were crammed filled of friends, family, food, and fun - and sun! I honestly forgot how much I missed everything and everyone, and every time I go back I get reminded of how incredible my family and friends are. I truly could not survive without them!

My next adventure starts tomorrow - my internship! I'm slightly nervous because I have no idea what I'll be doing all summer, but I'll update y'all as the summer goes on. First days are always nerve wracking but hopefully it'll turn out for the best! I've got quite a busy summer ahead - internship, friends coming to visit, Vegas trip, my lovely little Teresa coming to Harvard for a month, concerts, baseball games, etc. I might be grateful for school to start again...yeah, no, that's a lie. I can't wait for all of my summer adventures! 

"No matter what state I'm in, I'm in a southern state of mind" - Darius Rucker, "Southern State of Mind"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

end of the world...?

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. 

Keep on dancing til the world ends. 

We gonna party like, like it's the end of the world.

According to some people, today is the end of the world. The Mayans said it would happen next year in 2012. So who is right? Personally, I don't think either of them are right. I don't think we can truly know when it's "the end" until it is; I don't think we can predict the exact date or time (unlike a certain someone who called today the end).

So since I haven't heard news of horrible earthquakes or people magically disappearing today, I think we're ok. I still have a lot of plans ahead of me, so today can't be the end of the world. As for my plans for today, I'm going to spend this somewhat sunny Saturday (hey, at least it's not raining!) shopping on Newbury Street. It'll be nice to get out of the apartment, get some fresh air, and maybe spend a little money! Then tonight I'm going to say goodbye to one of my dearest friends up here in Boston - and we're going to dance "until the world ends."

Monday, May 16, 2011

my favorite things

In honor of my trip home next week, I am letting you in on all of my favorite summer activities or places. Most of these are near and dear to my heart, so if you ever visit Charleston, I highly suggest you check these places out!!

The first place I want to go eat when I get home is Poe's Tavern. Located on the main drive of gorgeous, historic Sullivan's Island, this place has delicious food in an awesome, beachy atmosphere. Literally, this place is steps from the beach. I am so in love with their Pit and Pendulum burger as well as their queso - really, this place is just delish! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!!

Next on the list is the beach! This is a picture of Isle of Palms, my number two beach destination. Normally I'd go to Sullivan's Island, but it's always good to mix it up a bit. I love spending long, lazy summer days with my beach chair, good friends, and beautiful ocean views. Nothing short of perfection...

Speaking of those friends, these are some of my favorite summer beach pictures with my dear friends, Jonathan and Chrissy. This was the summer after our freshman year of college (yikes - long time ago!), but it was honestly one of my favorite days of all time. I can't wait to see them and all of my other dear friends - I miss them SO much!!

And last but not least, the reason I'm going home - my family. It's my dad's 60th birthday, and we're throwing him a surprise party (shhhhh....don't tell anyone either of those secrets!!). I miss my family so much - it's been months since I've seen them. I can't wait to spend a week with them in my beautiful hometown.

I'll let you in on more Charleston secrets when I get back, but for now, I'm going to try to enjoy my lazy, rainy, gray day here in Boston. Not nearly as fun as the warm, sunny South!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i made it!

Race time: 9 hours.

After a week of cramming, teaching myself an entire semester's worth of theory in two days, and spending a total of 9 hours taking finals, I am officially 2/3rds of the way through grad school! It has been a crazy, hard, ridiculous semester, and I could not be more happy to have it be over. But that makes it real that I only have one more semester...16 or so weeks...until I am back out in the real world. Part of me can't wait, part of me wants to be done with school forever. But the other part of me has to deal with all the scary parts - where to live, what to do, will I find a job, will I like said job. I will be leaving the safety net of school and figuring things out on my own, which is exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

I've learned a lot about myself throughout this semester. I've learned which battles to fight and which to just let go. It's not worth arguing for something when you won't be able to change a person's mind. I know when to push it, and when I need to go a little easier on myself. And I'm proud of everything I've accomplished this semester, regardless of how it was received by a professor.

So I have 11 days until my surprise visit, which I could not be more excited about. In these next 11 days, I will sleep in late, go to the gym, and relax. I could not be more ready for a break - even if it will be a rainy, dreary, cold break in Boston. Never been more ready for some sunshine...

June 1st marks the next big event - the beginning of my internship. I'm excited and a little nervous; I'm hoping it'll be a good fit. But until then, I'm not even going to worry about a thing. It's time to roll with the punches and take life as it comes for a bit.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I can see the finish line

A few weeks ago (on April 18th to be exact) thousands of runners came through Boston, all running the Boston Marathon. I went out with my friend Ali to cheer them on, and honestly it was one of the most inspirational things I have ever seen. There I was, standing at the 22 mile mark, and these people are still running. At that point, they can taste the finish line; after all, it's only a few short miles away. They've overcome Heartbreak Hill, they've made it this far, and by God, they are going to finish.

Which brings me to my semester. I am at that point. I might even be at the 23 mile point. But I can see the finish line. This coming week is the last week of classes; in fact, they end on Thursday, just in time to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (which you better believe I will - I need a margarita!). I have two finals next week - one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. And then it's done. Over. Summer will finally be here.

And I could not be happier. This semester has been the roughest semester of my academic career. I do not enjoy my classes, I feel like I'm not learning anything, and everything is basically a big slap in the face. The reason I don't like any of my classes is because I didn't get to pick them - the only class I did pick, I like. But everything else was a requirement, which I understand I have to take. That doesn't mean I have to like it though. Grading is so subjective, and I feel like no matter how much effort I put into an assignment, no matter how good I think it is or my peers think it is, I get a B. First of all, a B is for Bad in my book, but not in grad school. Here, professors think B's are great work. Not in my little 4.0 head. So that's disheartening. It's also disheartening when someone who didn't put nearly as much time into a project as you did ends up with a much higher grade. It makes me not want to try. Which is a horrible feeling when you're spending so much money on this "great" education.

Don't get me wrong; I am so grateful for the education I am receiving, and most of the time, I'm really happy here. But I am so ready for this semester to be over, to start my internship, and to start back in the fall, renewed and refreshed. I can't wait to spend some time at the beach, hang out with my friends, and go on vacation with my family. I'm ready to really get a chance to explore Boston, and I'm really ready for my little (sorority term) Teresa to get to Harvard in July!

I just have to make it through these next two weeks first...