
Saturday, April 23, 2011

happy Easter {eve}

Tomorrow is a monumental occasion in my short, 23 years. Tomorrow marks the first holiday I have ever spent without my family (well, Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day and stuff don't count). I will be spending Easter alone...and it feels really weird. I don't know where to go to church, I will have to cook myself an Easter dinner, and I'll probably spend most of the day doing homework instead of being with friends or family. It's a very odd feeling to spend a holiday alone, and to be honest, I really don't like it at all. BUT, since I don't have the time to write a full blog post, here are a few of my Easter favorites:

via anthropologie

Every year when we were little, my mom would buy us Easter dresses for Mass. And this is the exact dress I would have bought myself if I had money. I'm waiting for it to go on sale (cross your fingers it does before my secret May excursion - more details on that later!)

Yep, we still get Easter baskets. This is NOT mine, but I do have mine laid out on my kitchen table in a sweet grass basket - I don't have a real basket, so that one had to do! I'll let you know if the Easter bunny sent me anything good (aka thanks mom and dad!)

Well...this little guy is just too darn cute! Hope you all have a very happy and blessed Easter and enjoy spending it with someone you love. If not, at least call them, cause if you're anything like me, you'll miss your friends and family.

Friday, April 15, 2011

love stories

"Some love stories are short stories, but they are love stories all the same."

I heard this quote today while I was watching TV (and procrastinating from the mountains of school work that I have due very shortly), and it really hit home for me. I know I've talked a lot about relationships and love, and I'm not into overly cheesy, romantic gestures or impossible expectations. This quote, more than any other quote I can remember, reminds me that there's a reason to have hope. 

All my past relationships, long and short, good and bad, are worth something. They've taught me life lessons, they've taught me how to grow up, and they've taught me about myself. No, I didn't always make the best decisions, and no, I was definitely never perfect. But I don't regret anything that I've done. Because ultimately, I want to be a successful, happily married, crazy in love mom - yes, I do think I can have it all. It certainly won't be easy, but that doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for.

Back to the quote. In the TV show (and yes, I'm going to just call myself out and say it was "Greek" - my newest obsession thanks to instant Netflix!), it's said in a sad context - two people are splitting up, prompting another couple to accept its defeat. But the most important element in the quote is love. You may have a relationship that lasts 4 or 5 months, but teaches you infinitely more about love and yourself than a relationship that you coast in for 4 or 5 years. It just depends on the people, the relationship, and the circumstances. Do I believe in a "one true love"? No, I don't think that's how it works - that's too fairy tale, which I've already said I don't believe in. I think you have soul mates. Yes, plural. I think that ultimately there are people that are meant to be in your life, for better or for worse, and that the person your end up marrying is supposed to be the one. Maybe not necessarily "the one" for ever and ever, but the one in that moment.

Yes, I still want to believe in happily ever after and being with someone "til death do us part." It just sounds too good to be true sometimes, doesn't it? So while all the single girls (and guys) are still out on the search, dreaming of "the one," just know - everything happens for a reason. And when you find someone you don't want to live without, hold on. And hold on tight. Because these days, you never know how things are going to end up.

Monday, April 11, 2011

spring is here!

The sun is shining. It is approximately 70 degrees outside. I wore a sundress. The day I've been longing for for months now is finally here - I think it's FINALLY spring in Boston!!! While I'm tempted to throw on a swim suit and soak up some warm, sunny rays, there are two things stopping me: 1) I am SO not swim suit ready yet - gotta bust my butt in the gym and break out some sunless tanner first; and 2) I still have massive amounts of work.

Everything is moving along, probably faster than it should be. There are only 4 weeks left til summer, and I seriously need to buckle down and get my work done. Then I will have plenty of time to sit in the sun, shop, hang out, and be carefree. But until then...gotta get to work.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

not so lazy saturday

Alright, as always, I've become bad at blogging. It's not my fault, this week was horrible. I've been so sick all week, I've had a million projects to do, and I'm still desperately trying to figure out what I'm doing this summer. I keep trying to tell myself that everything will work out, but I'm too much of a control freak to let myself relax. It seriously gives me anxiety not knowing exactly what I'll be doing a few short weeks from now. I admire people who can just wait for news patiently; I needs lessons from them!

Yesterday was April Fool's Day, and luckily, no pranks were played on me. There were many opportunities - most importantly, getting a law test back and an internship interview - but both went off without a hitch. I got an A on the test (although I have NO idea how) and I got the internship! It's not at an agency, which is what I really wanted, but it sounds fantastic at the same time. I'd be able to work as much as I want, find out about a lot of cool events happening around the city (and help plan them!), learn valuable marketing, PR, and social media skills, etc. AND on top of all of that, I would be able to have a summer. I could work 10-2 all week, I could work 3 days a week, I could basically do whatever I wanted. Sounds too good to be true, huh? I'm deciding this expect an update soon! 

Besides the internship decision making, I have plenty to keep me busy. I have two 15-page papers due at the end of the month. One for law and one for theory. Both I have NO idea how to write. Should be a good time, no? I also have to do the second draft of my fake book club direct mail package, do a microsite for said book club, write a speech "for President Obama," start filling out the study guide for my theory midterm, and that's not even everything. Needless to say, I will not be having much of a life these next few weeks. No one ever said grad school would be easy...

Next Wednesday I register for classes for my final semester of graduate school. Can you believe I'm DONE in December??? I cannot believe how fast this program is - I literally feel like I just moved here. I still don't know my way about Boston, and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will. Summer is going to be the time for exploring, hopefully!! I can't wait to have some free time - even working will be better than this! Although...I'm not entirely ready to face the REAL job search again in December. That's a little scary - deciding where to live, what to do, which company I want to work for - yikes! But that's a blog post for a different day.