
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

here goes nothing

First of all, I hope everyone had a relaxing, happy, and fun-filled Memorial Day weekend, and I hope you all took at least a few minutes to remember all the men and women who have died to allow us to have our BBQs and beach bashes and potlucks.

I had an amazing week at home celebrating my dad's 60th birthday, my brother's 21st birthday (without any alcohol...yeah, I don't get it either), and Memorial Day with my friends. My mom and I conspired to fly me home as an extra surprise for my dad's surprise party, which all went off without a hitch! I wish I had a picture of my dad's face walking through the door, but I was told to hide behind a pole - better than in a closet! He was honestly shocked that we were all there to celebrate his birthday and had a fantastic time. My favorite part of the night (besides the amazing food courtesy of Newton Farms Catering) was my dad saying, "I'm so glad to see you, but when are you leaving?" His shock made him a little tactless, but it was pretty funny all the same.

That left me with 5 days left at home, and in those 5 days, I got 2 fantastic beach days and one pool day. I think I did pretty well for my short vacay! Those 5 days were crammed filled of friends, family, food, and fun - and sun! I honestly forgot how much I missed everything and everyone, and every time I go back I get reminded of how incredible my family and friends are. I truly could not survive without them!

My next adventure starts tomorrow - my internship! I'm slightly nervous because I have no idea what I'll be doing all summer, but I'll update y'all as the summer goes on. First days are always nerve wracking but hopefully it'll turn out for the best! I've got quite a busy summer ahead - internship, friends coming to visit, Vegas trip, my lovely little Teresa coming to Harvard for a month, concerts, baseball games, etc. I might be grateful for school to start again...yeah, no, that's a lie. I can't wait for all of my summer adventures! 

"No matter what state I'm in, I'm in a southern state of mind" - Darius Rucker, "Southern State of Mind"

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